Add year of booking on new booking confirmation alerts/emails
When you send automated emails of new bookings, it would be much better is the year was listed. My calendar is open >1 year and sometimes I get a booking for June and it isn't clear if it is this year or next! If you could add the year after the month of check-in and check-out that would be appreciated
Wendy Maleary
I've just spent a good 20 mins trawling through payouts for a payment, finally logged into the reservation on Airbnb and it is for 2025.. Having the year of the reservation on the notifications and the Daily Summary should be a given, please update this. We seem to get updates for random things but day to day operational issues are not actioned?
Charles Aunger
getting enquiries and booking out to 2023 automated emails are confusing if they don't have year.
Charles Aunger
still guests are making changes up to two years out an they get confused this takes time would be super to have this.
Charles Aunger
please please please on this one.. we have confusion going on and don't want to edit each message..
Charles Aunger
Also please include YYYY in automated check in and out date TAGS
SO date would show as:::
Day Month and Year
not just Day and Month right now.
October 19, 2020
another suggest set the check_in_date and check_out_date to Day Month and Year since lots of changes happening YEAR would be useful to have filled automatically