Check-in and out reports (CSV)
Clyde Mariano
It's helpful to export check-in and out reports (separately) for a specific date, or date range.
The reports should display:
- Property ID
- Property name
- Unit name
- Booking ID
- Booked at
- Check-in date
- Arrival time
- Check-out date
- Departure time
- Number of nights
- Channel name
- Guest name
- Guest phone
- Guest email
- Number of guests
- Security Deposit [paid, not paid (not sure what the statuses are)]
- eSign Rental Agreement [signed, not signed]
- ID Verified [verified, not verified (other statues?)]
- Booking Status [confirmed, needs_check_in, etc]
- Confirmation code
Created by Vince Breslin
Vince Breslin
We have released two new booking exports, for check-ins and check-outs. Export check-ins and/or check-outs for the day, week or month for one or more properties to a CSV file.
The file contains all the booking info you should need, including the status of the security deposit, guest ID and eSign Rental agreement.
Vince Breslin
in progress
We started working on this feature.
Vince Breslin
Vince Breslin
Merged in a post:
Daily check in check out messages/calendar
Every week I make up a speadsheet of all check in and check outs. This is so time consuming and hard to keep updated.
I would absolutely love to be able to see this on line without having to manually note this.
Also currently your email with check in and check out arrive to me at 11am every morning which is just far too late for that day.
laura oxman
I would love to see it also.
Sandy F
I also asked for the check in and check out schedule to arrive earlier this some time ago. It is useless to us at lunch time in Australia.
Cory@ Home in Rome
Hi Melinda! I use the report feature to create the spreadsheet. I have to modify the CSV file to get it how I need it but it takes less than 5 minutes and is fairly simple. I hope this helps!
Cory@ Home in Rome: Do you mind emailing this to me please so i can see what you do?
Cory@ Home in Rome
Melinda: Hi Melinda, within Uplisting you can send yourself reservation report by clicking the 'Reports' tab on the left hand side of the Uplisting dashboard. The file will be emailed to you usually within seconds and you should save the file on your desktop. Then you open an Excel Spreadsheet and click on the Data tab and click the CSV option in the upper left and follow the instructions. If you have additional questions you can write to Stella or Luv in the Uplisting chat and they might be able to give you more specific details. Good luck!!!