Client / Owner Statement Upgrades
under review
Johanan Nunez
I think over all an over haul on the client statement. More functionality.
Allowing the me to make more edits in the client statement.
The ability to select a date range in the statement would be items one to change.
Coastal Villa Group
It would be useful if we could make recurring monthly expenses, without having to add them manually each month. For example, the pool cleaner is the same salary each month that is an expense, or other things like this..
Seth Weinman
Having the ability to show the management fee but not have it automatically added as Amount Due. If all reservations that month came through Airbnb then payments are already split and don't need to be denoted as amount owed.
Currently the statement says "Invoice №". We would like to have an option that this all invoice terms can be changed to like statemene since we send our own invoices.
A feature which would help us is to ability to create our own templates in .docx. In these templates use placeholders like {{unique_identiefier}} or [Table][/Table].
Also we have clients which are doing the cleaning themselves. It would be great to have a option that the cleaning costs are going to the owner instead of property manager in the Owner Payout.
Ashley Luscher
The Client Statements seems not be set up for property managers who collect the full payments from direct/ booking platforms and then pay the owners a payout each month?
The Invoice page should show either, a breakdown of the full payout minus the management fee and expenses, to create the owners payout.
Or perhaps the owners payout as per the income items minus the expenses added by the property manager each month.
The date range isn't an issue for us but I see the benefits of having some flexibility.
Vince Breslin
under review
GYL Holiday Homes
Vince Breslin Property managers usually collect all the platforms payout then invoice it minus all the charges. Client statement is very limited on this
Raeleen Kelly
Yes, I was very excited about this feature but sorely disappointed. We need control to edit anything needed. The payouts are inaccurate to what my owners get and when asking Uplisting how to rectify this I've gotten "We aren't making any changes to client statements at this time" both times. What a useless product if it isn't accurate and they can't even tell me why it isn't.
Vince Breslin
Raeleen Kelly: would you mind sharing your requirements here? What is inaccurate?
Raeleen Kelly
Vince Breslin: Hi Vince, The payout amount from is not the same on Uplisting as what is sent as the actual payout. I've contacted both parties multiple times. Uplisting said it's a error and vice versa however has told me their API is sending the exact amount. From what they told me Uplisting isn't including the subtraction of the VAT
Vince Breslin
Raeleen Kelly: I have been reviewing your issue today. are definitely not sending us this amount in the payload we use.
However, we may be missing another payload or have access in a different way.
We are preparing examples to discuss with our technical account resource over at
Thanks for your patience and sharing your examples.
We always prefer to rely on the booking site pricing data as that should be the source of truth, however, if do not provide this data we may need to provide a custom input where users can enter the VAT amount they are charged by BDC.
Jasper Schrijver
The client statement is useless now because of the layout and the fact that uplisting decides what is the payout to my client. For example we charge a all in management fee and my clients have no need to see what I pay to my OTAs as channel fee and payment fee..
Vince Breslin
Thanks Johanan Nunez - could you provide more context on what you need, please? Examples are helpful.
Victor Gutu
Vince Breslin Would be very helpful to have the interface more user friendly, and also to have all the numbers editable.