Direct integration with smart locks
Brian Randall
If you could manage to do a direct integration with them (rather than via Remotelock or Operto) you should have quite a few, short-term rental customers keen to use your system.
Created by Luv
Megan Wolff
We now have a direct integration within Uplisting. Activate Uplisting Smart Locks in your connect dashboard. Check out our help guide to get you started:
Vince Breslin
in progress
We have finished this integration and are in beta testing. It will be released soon.
Kimberly Schoeck
Vince Breslin: Could you update when this will be released?
John Harrison
Vince, would the integration with Seam include Thermostats as well? I see that they can connect to them as well.
Vince Breslin
John Harrison: we are looking at the thermostat integration. I personally would love to have this!
Vince Breslin
We are working on a direct integration to most smart locks through Seam ( which will allow you to connect fully to the vast majority of smart locks all within Uplisting.
Tony Roderick Watson