Guest pre-arrival form/questions
Greta Hunold
I am switching over from another channel manager and one thing that I will be missing is the ability to automatically send out an arrival form for the guest to fill out. Once submitted it will show the anticipated arrival and departure times to our cleaners, so it really helps them to plan their route for the day. You can customize it as you see fit, but these are some of the options:
How will you arrive:
• Plane
• Car
• Train
• Ferry
• By foot
Anticipated arrival and departure times:
• This will give the guest a drop-down menu to select a time. It will not allow the guest to choose to arrive early/late, outside of your designated windows, but as the host you can update it yourself if you approve it, which allows your cleaner to see it too.
Request guest’s email address.
Allow guest to input notes.
Create a custom question for guests to answer.
Request guest’s details:
• Full name
• Date of birth
• Nationality
• Country of residence
• Passport/ID number
Tamara Tymovski
I switched from Guesty For Hosts and Guest Arrival Form was crucial. I back Greta. That form had everything host needed to prepare the listing. Actually the landing time / flight number and departure time should be a compulsory field guests need to fill in before they can get further info, like full address, etc. I have already submitted that before with screenshots, but here they are again.
So a Guest Arrival Form link could be added to messages. Guests complete that and it feeds into Guest Booking Page.
Host could pre-set how long on avge it will take from landing at any London airport, or Eurostar, etc to the flat, so once guest puts their flight number or arrival time at Kings Cross, the system would update estimate check in time on the reservation. Also attached are screenshots of how you create and edit Guest Form. See example.
Donald Downs
I'd like to be able to ask them to input all guests names (seperate input boxes for each) and a check box for whether that guest is an adult or child. Also, even though I have a Rental Agreement that they have to sign I would like a quick and easy check box system so they can see and agree to: No pets, No smoking, No open fires and Quiet Time Hours from 9pm to 10am. (Allow us to free text these short inputs and then have a "yes, I agree" check box next to each. Too often guests ignore or overlook rules. This would make it VERY clear. Thanks.
Finn James
This would be great. We need to provide parking passes and we can provide an airbed but need to plan. So if the guests had to ask for this in a pre arrival form would streamline the process really nicely.
Nigel Clegg
Also, please add the ability to make certain answers visible to the cleaning team if required
Colin Ball
This should include the requirement for a selfie to go with the photo ID
ray jiang
Make this form highly customizable.
Make the guest answer to form questions dynamic variables which we can then use in automated messgaes.
Vince Breslin
ray jiang: we were discussing this exact idea today!
Vince Breslin
Our intention is to add these optional inputs to the existing guest booking confirmation oage.
Zula Beach Vacation Homes
Yes. one of the best features we used. Also be nice to customize form and have option to add different kinds of questions (open, checkbox, drop down etc) and ask for payments based on answers for example - Do you plan to bring a pet? if guests marks yes, ask how many and ask for pet fee according to a rule)
Beatrice McBride
An online check-in form would be great (give hosts the option of what to include). Although we're in Donegal (Ireland!), the formality leads to more responsible guests we have found :)