Make outstanding Guest Booking/verification steps more obvious to the guest
under review
Ollie Whitehouse
On the guest booking/verification page, it's not instantly obvious at a quick glance which steps have been completed for the guests. It would be useful to put a green tick/highlight the steps that are completed and a cross/red highlight against the steps outstanding... similar to how it appears on our side of the reservation info. At the moment it's all just quite grey and could be clearer to the guest what is left to do.
Vince Breslin
under review
Beatrice McBride
Vince Breslin: and if possible to add “debit” card as some guests get in touch to say they don’t have a credit card…even though any card works!
Wendy Maleary
Vince Breslin: This would be very handy as the amount of checking we do is crazy, we send automated messages but still it isn't done by guests, to some guests if it isn't blindingly obvious to them they don't do it and others just don't bother .. At least if it is shouting out to them that something is missing that might spur them on.
Andrew Telling
yes this would be great