Mid booking cleanings
Add ability to schedule another mid stay clean for the cleaners to accept.
Lois Hedley
Any news on this? Midstay cleans are an essential part of our business and the workaround is clunky and causes other issues?
Caroline Zammit
Please add stayovers on Uplisting Tasks page so that cleaners know which rooms need to be freshened up in between check-in and departure, as well as the ability to add mid-stay cleanings for longer stays.
Also I would like to be able to extend a stay. for eg. guest books one night on an OTA, and when they are at the accommodation, they decide to stay a second night, so I need to eliminate the changeover task that was scheduled after the first night. If I just block the second night for the guests on Uplisting the changeover task will still show on cleaners' schedule. Thank you.
Aidan Solloway
Definitely required for both OTA and direct bookings
Sam Malik
i would like to arrange a mid-stay clean so that my property is minatained for longer stays. i would like to schdule in a clean at 3 or 4 weeks after chec-in, if the stay is longer than 6 weeks. i would like that to be cscheduled into turno, and for guests to receive a notification that a cleaner will be coming on that particular day, and if they wish to be present, please let us know, otherwise, she will let herself in with the admin keys.
Dean Oliver
Please create this feature.
Arthur Mellule
I would love the option to add mid-stay cleans and maintenance tasks for other teams members.
True Stays
Vince Breslin Is this something that could be considered? The housekeeping scheduling systems costs from $5 to $10 per property per month. Having the option to add mid-stay cleans would mean we could move away from these and save $100's per month. It would be great to be able to create maintenance and more detailed cleaning tasks (with image uploads), however just a simple option to schedule cleans would be so helpful in the meantime.
John Wood
This has been on the list since 2020? Is it in the pipeline to be considered?
Justina Wyllie
Do we know if this has been seen, planned or considered at all? It feels so ridiculous that its not an option yet.
we need mid-stay cleaning scheduler pls! soon!
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