I switched from Remote Lock to Uplisting as soon as the new software was released, hoping some of the previous limitations with Remote Lock could be addressed, but I have found several issues so far:
  1. Same day reservation door lock codes were not being generated (this appears to be fixed now).
  2. Door lock code access times are not being updated when a reservation is updated.
  3. Door lock codes are not being deleted after the end of a stay.
Fixing the above ASAP is crucial, but may I please ask that the following be fixed as well?
  1. Allow hosts to set a buffer time (ie, 2 hours before; 1 hour after) to be set before and after each listing's default check in and check out times. This request has been on the Remote Lock feature request list for years.
  2. Change how "names" are sent to the door lock software from:
Booking #1234567 - First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - #1234567
The August app truncates this first which makes it very difficult to find a specific guest's code. Here is a real life example to illustrate what I mean:
"Booking #2879466 - Wal..."
For hosts with lots of locks and guests, this is very messy.
Hopefully these are simple fixes.
Thank you.